Posted on October 13 2020

We've been asked this question a lot lately, and being Gentlemen we wanted to respond to let our friends know what drives us, what keeps us up at night, and what inspires us.
We've often been the underdog and know what it's like to have others not only underestimate us, but undermine us. We're not sure why. We decided a long time ago, though, that we were going to keep moving forward no matter what. It hasn't always been easy, but with the support of a few key people (our Lady, Junior, and Global Rogues) we've been able to press forward and keep growing slowly but surely.
That's the true Essence of a Gentleman - we carry ourselves with grace, respecting others and helping them where we can. Times have been tough before and no doubt we'll run into some difficult moments in the days and years ahead. Under no circumstances, though, will we compromise our principles for short term gain. We worry about the same things as many others (family, health, the state of the pinstripe in modern sartorial affairs). We're also inspired by the dedication and commitment of our friends, supporters and partners to help us achieve our vision confirming our view that if we treat others like Gentleman and Ladies, they'll often act like Rogues to help when we need it.
Why do we do what we do? We love it, it's hard, and the combination of the two means that success is worth more to us that it would be otherwise. After all, the reason being a Gentleman is so noteworthy today is because it's so rare, and therein lie the seeds of our success.
“Actually, I am well acquainted with Roguishness but would prefer to settle things like a Gentleman. The choice, however, is yours”…I have said in one way or another on more than one occasion.
Love the ethos. Compelled to acquire a set of Canadian Maple Leaf cuff links in support of the mission and the vibe.
Tony Wilkins